HOWTO: Instantiate many files in the shell
Sep 2016 Problem
Team Forming: Asking the right question
Sep 2016 Forming team as if your life depended on it.
TIL: BlueZ 5 Compatability issue with SDP on Debian
May 2016 All lines count does not include empty-line
RT: Self improve physical robot
May 2016 Imagine making a robot that can improve itself physically. The last barrier will probably very similar to how human are having trouble: material.
TIL: Random thought count
May 2016 Almost any living person has random thought, but they just scratch it off instantly. But those are data as well.
TIL: People judges like a PC
May 2016 True or false Wrong or right
TIL: private vs public
May 2016 Statement
Robot Thought
May 2016 A blog detailing some nice to have feature of consumer robot.
The C suit Experiment
May 2016 A blog detailing thoughts and process taken to test and experiment all of the C suit role. Mainly the two CEO and CTO. And how misleading the title actually sounds in a real profitable business that is not a bozo.
May 2016 A place for people to rant about something.
May 2016 For people with difficulty reaching out to other. There need a symbol to signal their desire to have a conversation. The newer personality is not about shyness or the traditional type of lame, but the highest form of politeness.
TIL: Writers should learn Engineering
Apr 2016 A lot of writer have a naive bias view of their own universe. Every single piece of writing has a certain bias way to describe the world view of the writer as well as his sense toward either positive or negative.
TIL: Reason for VR
Apr 2016 Sitting is extremely unhealthy. Eating is extremely addictive.
TIL: Academic vs Entrepreneurship
Mar 2016 Or taking 4 academic courses vs working on 4 different projects.
TIL: Problem
Mar 2016 There are two ways to deal with problem, either you take it behind the bar and shoot it in the head, or run away and create another problem which you proudly named solution.
TIL: Dream
Mar 2016 A being whose happiness can only be achieved when other people are happy. Such thing vows to create opportunity and chances for other.
TIL: Lesson in a high growth Session
Mar 2016 If you are a trader, better watch out for the price surge. It is dangerous to stay in the game if price get down. But a little research can get you very far.
TIL: Time
Mar 2016 Neglecting time will ensure unattended growth.
TIL: Exploit
Mar 2016 Exploiting oneself is good (for you). Exploiting another is bad (for them). However, if you do not exploit other people for social interaction, nothing will happens. If you want to make things happen, exploits.
TIL: Culture traps and the Emotional Circle
Mar 2016 Ever feels helplessness when a movie character got lay off just like you 3 hours ago? Or the feeling of the main heroin sharing her first kiss with a man who was not the main character - an embodiment of the viewer, or you yourself? The feeling of satisfaction maybe, when a character does exactly what you wanted?
TIL: Desires
Mar 2016 Unfair desire creates god.
TIL: Over prep
Mar 2016 A network to express gratitude toward the right person, anonymously.
TIL: Eternal Life
Mar 2016 People say life is suffering But to those who understood that knowledge can only be gained from suffering They crave for it Those who seek knowledge eventually seeks eventually life For the endless suffering of getting to know And learn
TIL: The sense of Special
Mar 2016 There are some characteristic for something to be special:
TIL: Law of Investment
Mar 2016 New seeks gains from losses. Old seeks gains from growth. Insider seeks gains from coding and crying repeatedly.