A lot of writer have a naive bias view of their own universe. Every single piece of writing has a certain bias way to describe the world view of the writer as well as his sense toward either positive or negative.
In the real world, there are always 3 force pulling outward that kept the balance of sense and justice in place: positive, negative, and neutral.
However due to lack of paper, screen-time, or budget, writers these day can only afford to rush and express one of the force. Either negative, neutral, or positive. After all, people just want them to get straight to the point.
Then what the hell is with Liberal Art anyway?
On the other hand, some were on the verge of being great content with 2 forces. However they always miss either the positive, or negative side of the problem.
For example, Black Mirror has an episode where the human mind can be copied and simulated into a virtual world. The concept was great and spot on.
Note that the human mind is copied
, not transfered
. Thus in the virtual simulated world, the copy of the person’s mind was created, and often put to work or to be exploited. Much like a world of Inception where nobody know if they are dreaming or not, in this universe people have a sense they don’t know if things are real or it’s just their somewhere.
This episode however demonstrates only the dark side of the issues. Writers dramatize and focus on how the human exploit their virtual copy, even give the copy tons of wasted electricity to “torture” them. Seriously? Now don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed the fuck out of this episode, but does it has to be all negative and leave people off cannot jerk off about their future?
Now the one that I’m most disagree with happen to be the scene where a woman decided to copy her mind into an egg-shell like home management device (it’s as small as an egg, with a blue LED hole on top). Now the copy doesn’t like it one bit. Yes, the copying of the mind also bring in emotion
and so on. And then we see the treatment put on these copy. They were not treated like human, but merely tools, slave, whatever negative role the writer want you to think about.
The moment this virtual human copy disagree, they would abandon her and inject virtual time
. 3 years inside the egg shell can be simulated
into a mere 3 minutes in the real
world. Isolation method destroy humans dignity and make them want to work is what the writer trying hard to shove up viewer’s ass. They then forced to work and serve their real self. For example, as a home management system, the job is to adjust the room temperature, making the right kind of toast, playing light music during the morning, yare yada…
The rest of the show continue the bizarre negative tone that yes, make their target audience wondering and pondering for three seconds, but not a glimpse of smile toward their own future. Is that something sci-fi author do on a regular basis these day? To scare people off of the future? Making up all the bizarre excuse so people are more aware of those rather than a positive outcome? And you know what, bizarre shit stick hard. So yeah, don’t think the world will change
much after 10% of the human population watched this show and all ended up saying no
to the research on humans mind simulation. But seriously, this could go way better, and could have been the positive side of the game to contract with the negative rest.
Later in the episode we saw that in the virtualized world, almost anything can be re-created in small scale. So, why don’t you just give the copy mind a fucking nice place to live, whatever the fuck they want in there, in exchange for their service? Why not just give them all the house, the bitches, the cat, the internet and so on so forth they need to entertain on, and then work? Don’t say you cannot do that, you clearly did simulated a freaking house where the guy was able to make grilled potato, drinking wine, and so on so forth. What’s the problem with treating both of these thing as if they are shit slave, when you know you can inject yourself in there, and talk to them as if they are human?
Further more, research show that given entertainment and connection, rats are more likely to live positive. Heck, I bet if people know how great it is in the virtual world, they would make a shit load copy of themselves in there. Maybe this was the cause for the harsh treatment? If so fuck that shit in the eye-holes.