For people with difficulty reaching out to other. There need a symbol to signal their desire to have a conversation. The newer personality is not about shyness or the traditional type of lame, but the highest form of politeness.

The newer generation are way more informed about death than the last. We understood that all those around us have different opinion, and that offense happens. Thus, the next generation creates trend to diverse the fact that they want to have fun, and thus the act of being offensive got an excuse to not be brought out.

However, there are moment when such trend does not apply. During these however, utter politeness take place, and it basically tell the person to say nothing and do nothing.

You can argue that’s not a good way for most situation but for this generation where information are consumed at high volume and rate, the fact that you can die by doing something are mentioned countless of time. People rather live, than die. So people rather kept silent that talk.

Yes, you can argue that Napolean once said something along the line of “The bad happens because good people doesn’t say a thing”. Most of those good people has a dirty mind too, and they don’t mind speaking up in private, trust me. But when in public, everyone knows that there’s a real psycho amongst them who will come up and slice their throat the moment they wanna speak what’s real happening.

Well, unless you don a mask.

Thus went to a point where all the good people fantasizing about super heroes, who because of their family and so on, need to hide their real identity when helping other.

Yes, don’t be like a super hero in a world where 80% of people thought being one is kinda cool. Everyone are trying to mimic a super hero these day. Everyone.

And everyone is gonna keep on the mask.

Say nothing.

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01 May 2016
