We are living in a world where private means security.
If public equates security, one thing eliminated from the equation is stress. However, to a lot of people at the moment, stress
plays a huge role on boosting progress, an artifact of having a dominant closed system.
Thanks to the open source movement, free stuffs are giving people new perspective. There are now more people enjoying the freedom of doing something useful
Until security is of a higher level…
Since the concept of security are being shared between classes of people, we have yet to avoid the private club…
Contradiction: + Classes of security exist (based on need) + Classes of people exist (based on wealth) + All classes of people desired that all classes of security in their life is satisfied. + However, classes of security only apply to certain classes of people. E.g, people with more wealth shouldn’t be too worried about food. But they still do, and they are just making up more problem that are more complex and harder to solve. If you ask why hunger and poverty has not been solved yet, it is because of the new harder problem proposed by people of classes who have solved the basic need, and has move on to advanced need.
People of higher class tend to crave for harder problem. Such as the law of evolution.
Thus the people who still has problem will rarely receive a helping hand.
Either because their problem is too new, too hard to solve
Or simply they are the only few with such problem
49.95 *0.9^9^9 %
of people is considered the minority
Since we judges based on a binary basis
A person can only be either bad or good. Not both at the same time.
We judges like a computer.