Details of the whole thought process when I was hacking at the Sears Hackathon. For every one-two hours, I will make a summary of what the process is, and what my decision will be. Enjoy!
|---> Need to implement streaming service.
\---> Doc was scarce
\---> Drop.
|---> Easy to plug into Ionic
\---> Still need to implement streaming service
\---> Drop.
|---> Worked
\---> Slow
\---> Streaming is complicated to configure
\---> Drop.
|---> Easy Doc
\---> Success with browser-to-browser
\---> Needed Chrome power (Using its webRTC component)
|---> Using Crosswalk
|---> For a Hackathon?
/---> Decided to run `ionic address` and expose the app. The demo will be run on mobile's browser.
|---> Using Chrome on android, webRTC worked.
\---> Issue: Switching between camera
\---> Device list got
/---> Device does not apply on device?
/---> Tried the desparate approach of using directID
\---> Worked somehow, but the startup is slow.
\---> Merge back to master
|---> Added responsive to some elements.
\---> Use `vw` and `vh`
|---> Added standard usage of ionic classes on all pages