
If you want to participate in everything, participate in everything. It is very easy to underestimate how much time you have left in your life.


Setting goal is hard, because nobody can keep it up for you…


It is extremely hard to keep up and working on something new, especially when your own schedule makes you not to do them.


Learning new things become hard as you become indulged into more and more new thing. So much things to learn. I have been trying to get used to these tools:

  • Scala
  • Spark
  • Tensor Flow
  • Veles
  • React
  • Unreal
  • Blender

None of them received a month of my time… I spent almost 3 days on Scala and Spark… 2-3 days on Unreal, about a week on React, and just some hour reading Blender, Tensor Flow and Veles document… There was no mastery… There was no practice…

I need to be focus… There’s always a feeling of missing out however.

At school, I used to be able to keep track of 4 different subject and practice them. Here however, I only practice what I’m comfortable with. I have yet to learn how to practice in each of these new tools.

I need to make a course… Or someway to learn these tools.

I need a better environment, where the act of learning is pushed further. Right now I’m focused too much on making money.

Unreal is a good start. I need to master this new tool as fast as possible. Give me one month.

And still, the goal of making money by June…

If I spend a month training from now, I will master Unreal, and will have 100 days left. If I could make $2000 everyday from then, I can reach my goal in June. What is the chance of making this kind of money versus buying the loterry?

The chance of being paid 84$/hours everyday? Or 100$/hour for the shake of having some rest?

What can I sell to people? What value can software offer? What do people need?

I need to go and meet new people. Definitely.

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14 January 2016
