It’s been three months with jabSquared, things are getting tightened. The family has been growing a culture where people could have fun while also manage to get things done. We just published unifiesta on the G marker. A is bouncing back some c trouble, hope they could cut us some slack.

Notoriously, the family are scaling at a very healthy, pleasant pace, where core developers have time to learn more skill, and relationship get the necessary time to develop, tightened and evolve.

My brothers have been learning. I am proud that they have picked up the habit of curiosity. Knowledgeable people are not afraid of knowledge. They want the answers, not an answer.

Opinion varies by perspectives due to relativity. To avoid bias, a question must has at least three answer each heading toward three direction:

+ Adopt  | Angel
= Accept | Neutral
- Reject | Evil

The truth is not generalized. The truth is formalized. Each and every person embraces their own truth which they themselves crafted from their own observations.

Let us search for more answer…

Damn, React is just the V… still learning it tho!…

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07 September 2015
