
SIMP - Wild Harvest

In this scenario we will cover a single large vessel. In SIMP, a large vessel is considered a vessel that is either more than 12 meters long, or 20 metric tons. Below I will give an example EPCIS XML that will include Master Data, a Fishing Event, a Transshipment Event, and an Offload Event. THen we will take the EPCIS data and show how it can be converted into PGA Record(s) for filing a SIMP report.

In order to fill out a SIMP report for a Wild Harvest scenario we will need the following KDEs:

  • Scientific Name - Pulled from Master Data
  • Catching Country - Pulled from the Country of Origin in the ILMD data of the Fishing Event
  • FAO Zone - Pulled from the Vessel Catch information in the ILMD data for the Fishing Event
  • Offload / Landing Date - Pulled from the Event Time of the Offload Event.
  • Fishing Method - Pulled from the Vessel Catch information in the ILMD data for the Fishing Event
  • IFTP Number - Pulled from the Master Data of the Vessel / Party. In this example we will pull it from the Master Data of the Vessel Owning Party.
  • First Receiver Business Name - Pulled from the Master Data for Owning Party of the BizLocation of event with the disposition of "entering_commerce".
  • First Receiver Address - Pulled from the Master Data for the BizLocation of event with the disposition of "entering_commerce".
  • First Receiver Contact Name - Pulled from the Master Data for the BizLocation of the event with the disposition of "entering_commerce".
  • First Receiver Contact Email - Pulled from the Master Data for the BizLocation of the event with the disposition of "entering_commerce".
  • First Receiver Contact Phone - Pulled from the Master Data for the BizLocation of the event with the disposition of "entering_commerce".
  • Product Net Weight - Pulled from the Net Weight recorded for the Product in the Offload Event
  • Product Form - Pulled from the Product Form of the Master Data of the Offloaded product.
  • Vessel Flag - Pulled from the Master Data for BizLocation of the Fishing Event or from the Vessel Catch information in the ILMD data of the Fishing Event
  • Vessel Name - Pulled from the Master Data for BizLocation of the Fishing Event or from the Vessel Catch information in the ILMD data of the Fishing Event
  • Transshipment Location Country Code - Pulled from Read Point geo-coordinates of the Transshipment Event.
  • Offload Country - Pulled from the Master Data for the BizLocation of the Offload Event. This attribute is not used in this example because there is a Transshipment that occurs.

This documentation is not meant to serve as a guide for SIMP and is just mean to be an example of converting GDST EPCIS XML into a SIMP Records. For futher documentation on SIMP please see here.

Here is the Example XML for the GDST EPCIS data. This event data will contain a Fishing Event, Transshipment, and Offload Event.

Fishing Event


    <!-- BING Ship -->


            <!-- YELLOW FIN TUNA -->


            <!-- Catching Country -->

            <!-- CATCH INFORMATION -->

                    <!-- FAO ZONE 77 -->

                    <!-- GEAR TYPE: Beam Trawls -->

            <!-- WILD HARVEST -->

            <!-- CATCH CERTIFICATE (?) -->

    <!-- Bing Fishing Co. -->

    <!-- Bing Fishing Co. -->

TransShipment Event


    <!-- Jimmy's Tender -->


            <!-- YELLOW FIN TUNA -->

        <!-- SELLER: Bing Fishing Co. -->
            <source type="urn:epcglobal:cbv:sdt:owning_party"></source>

        <!-- BUYER: Jimmy's Processing Co. -->
            <destination type="urn:epcglobal:cbv:sdt:owning_party"></destination>

    <!-- Bing Fishing Co. -->

    <!-- Jimmy's Processing Co. -->

Offload Event


    <!-- Port of San Diego -->


            <!-- YELLOW FIN TUNA -->

    <!-- Jimmy's Processing Co. -->

    <!-- Jimmy's Processing Co. -->

Now that we have the EPCIS xml, the PGA Record(s) will look like:

PG05                                                              YFT
PG06HCFUSPAC                 01272020        TRW  NRD
PG19BY                   Jimmy's Processings Co.         3165 Pacific Hwy
PG20                                     San Diego            CA US92101       
PG21BY Joe Smith    
PG31VCRUS                                 KG 10000
PG3213 US

Important Notes

  • The FAO Zone 77 is translated into the NMFS Geographic Regin 'PAC'
  • The 'Country of Origin' in the ILMD data for the Fishing Event is not required by GDST (as of V4 document). This is added in order to populate the PG06.CountryCode field because catching country is required.
  • The 'Product Form' on the Product Definition for the Yellow Tuna is translated into the NMFS Processing Description 'NRD' for the PG06.Processing Description field.W
  • The PG32.CountryCode is supposed the be territorial waters where the Transshipment took place. This can be deduced by taking the GDST Transshipment Location At-Sea Geo Coordinates and translating those into the Territorial Water.
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