
Edit documentation

How to work on this documentation

We are thrilled to receive your contribution! There are 2 ways to get started:

  • A is simple and is recommended for most documentation edit.
  • B is more technical, requires local tool setup, and is recommended for web developer working on custom component or core maintainer adding new section for the document.

Note: we use markdown to format our document. If you are not familiar with its syntax, feel free to consult this cheat sheet

You can use GitHub's built-in text editor feature to edit any documentation. Simply click on the link that says Edit on Github on any documentation page, and you will be taken to its respective github editor. This link is positioned on the right sidebar for desktop, and at the bottom footer for mobile:

Built-in request link

Once you have finished editing, simply click Propose file change. This will take you to a page where you can see the changes you have made. Click Create pull request to open a textbox where you will be asked to describe your change. This pull request is discussed in detail here. If your change is related to a documentation request, please put the request number in the Issue resolved section. If you believe your edit will "completely" solve the request, please put closes next to the request number. Else, put only the request number. Example for the first case is as follow:

Close PR

B. Build the documentation locally

This documentation was built using Gatsby. The core tools required to build it are:

Please consult the links above in order to install the prerequisites. Prior to cloning (equivalent to downloading) the repository to your machine, it will be helpful to fork the repository:

github fork

This creates a copy of the documentation on github under your username where you can make branches to work on your new feature or edits. Then, once you have git setup, you can clone the repository with the following command:

# with https


# with ssh

Alternatively, you can use Github for Desktop to clone on Windows or MacOSX.

Once cloned, cd inside and run npm i to install the dependency:

npm i

Then, simply run npm run dev to start the documentation server on localhost:8000:

npm run start

You should now have the full documentation running locally. Please follow gitflow guideline when it comes to making contribution. Happy coding!

Edit on GitHub