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This exercise ('Try-it #1') is a self-test on what we've covered in our first 3 or 4 days of class. Check the mycourses dropbox for the due date, it will be counted as a HW assignment with 10/10 possible points.

See below for a screenshot of what the completed version should look like. Each item must be 100% correct to receive credit. If you don't have it 100% correct, hand in what you have anyway, because late submissions will not be accepted. We'll work through the correct answers in class.


  1. Row #1 - the 7 blue squares are generated by ctx.fillRect() and a for loop - is done for you!
  2. Row #2 - use a for loop to create 9 red circles in a row. Make the alpha of each circle decrease by .1 - i.e. the first circle is 0.9 alpha, the last circle is 0.1 alpha. You can control this with ctx.globalAlpha or by setting the ctx.fillStyle with rgba() values. (2 points)
  3. Row #3 - use a for loop to create 7 yellow squares - each square will be rotated 45 degrees. You will need to use a combination of ctx.translate(), ctx.rotate(), ctx.save() and ctx.restore() to get this to work. (2 points)
  4. Row #4 - use a for loop to create 7 red triangles. You will create a JavaScript function named drawTriangle() to each triangle for you. You will need to use ctx.translate(), and probably ctx.save() and ctx.restore() to get this to work. (2 points)
  5. Row #4 - Modify the code above to ramp the color of each triangle in row #4 from black to bright red - i.e. from rgb(0,0,0) to rgb(255,0,0). (2 points)
  6. 'Watermark' - use ctx.strokeText(), ctx.translate() and ctx.rotate() to create rotated text that is centered on the screen as in the finished example. I'm using dark gray courier text with 20% alpha in the example - use something similar. Try to get it as close as possible, but yours will look a little different. You'll need to center the text and set the baseline before you rotate it. (2 points)
  7. Errors - Any errors thrown in the console (-1.5 points).

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Completed Example

Done version