
Game Projects

Project Roll

A Test Franchise on how a Franchise without any support works.
Check it out by clicking the button below!
Note: Zooming out with your mouse!

Roll Portal

Project Fartman

A simple platformer game Made during December 2014 for the PDP jam
Check it out by clicking the button below!
Note: Hate being trolled? Don't try it!

Fartman Portal

Project Misc-RPG

A Story-driven RPG Currently in Development.
Note: Love Fairy Tales and those old Grimm books? You will love this!


Research, Side-projects

Quaternion: 3D vector rotations

What seems to be interesting at first turns out to be kind of impossible to visualize in my head.
Eventually realized that the rest of the world converts back and forth from Euler angles to Quaternion.

Try the testing tool! Unity Run-time required!

AngeI: Simple Character Crafter

A little Character Crafter made during the January of 2014.
Struggled a lot with the tile placements...

Android Demo is available through contact! Web Demo coming soon...

UVA: Programming Challenges

When I was in High School for GS, my TA introduced me to UVA and helped me solve lots of Problem there!

I would love to discuss them with anyone!

Uhunt Statistic

I'm Learning


Most of my other Projects reside here.
Check it out by clicking the button!

My Git Repos


I write for fun every now and then.
If you wish to read, click the button below.

My Free-write Portal


I draw many things out of my head, and publish them using Facebook. Check 'em out below!

My Facebook Page

Game Jam

Hog-Jam 1, Oct 2013: Big Ass Team

A Fun Climbing game Made with a whooping big team! (Left-over devs who were trying to find teammates... Eventually grouped up into a small studio!

Position: Student

Frustrated and Embarrassed a little because I did not have enough experience at the time..

But overall, it was fun and great. The product turn out to be superb, thanks to all of the wonderful teammates!

Teammates: Nate Thompson, Chris Lorenz, Robby Zinchak, Mike Nicholson, Evan Witts, Keegan O'Rourke, John Krajewski, Yueqi Sheng, Alain Orbino, Jason Chuang


Hog-Jam 2, Dec 2013: Foul Play

A chicken Shooter Game, with the funniest chicken art ever seen! I arrived late, but lucky enough, Mike from BAT let me join the team and have fun!

Position: Student

Great team! Everyone pulled out a really cool game that's surprisingly fun to watch!

Teammates: Mike Nicholson, Ryan Jones, Oliver Chang, Adam Osness

Fowl Play

Hog-Jam 5, Aug 2014: Mine Cart

An Oculus Rift game where you travel down an exploding mine! Formed a team with two B.A.T veterans, one of which (Chris) got his a super cool Rift kit!

Position: Programmer

Implemented the mouse functionality. Also responsible for the flame and music integration.

The team was awesome!

Teammates: Evan Witts the musician, Chris Lorenz the programmer, Travis Forgeon the modeler.

Mine Cart

Hog-Jam 4, Mar 2014: Time Travel!

A cart game where you control a time travelling train, inspired by a horror writing site!

Position: Artist

Drawn the background and the warp tunnel. Surprisingly fun!

At the end, there was only two dev left.. Still cool though!

Teammates: Oliver Chang, Adam Osness, and Leo Lee

Time-Traveling Train

Hog-Jam 3, Jan 2014: Awesome Impact

A Sim Game with Plant vs Zombie Mechanic. Gain money, make buildings.

Position: Art Assistant

Added eyes into house and they became funnier!

The game turn out to be pretty cool, but none of the teammates decided to upload it...

Anyway, Good Job team!

Teammates: Nick Alston, Doug Haber, Judy Haber and Micheal Ripka

Awesome Impact

8-bit History Jam 2015: morgan

A game where players are thrown into a virtual social network where your opinion will be manipulated as the previous player's will. Explore the faked internet, and see if you will be manipulated or not!

Position: Senior Programmer, UX Coder

Got to meet with Ross again! What a blast, he taught me lots of stuff about node.js and lots of other school stuffs too! Man, thanks a lot Ross!

Learnt some more basic Node.js stuffs! Also enhanced my CSS skill. Man, Kumar's eyes for color is a something I've got to learn

Eric the beard guy sketched out pretty much all the UX I coded. Dang!

Teammates: Ross Snider, Eric Tucker, Jonathan Kumar


GGJ 2014: What's Life?

A Visual Novel where you are trapped with a girl, and lots of question about life haunt ya.

Position: Senior Programmer

At the end, it was not finished... Still a fun weekend though! Got to learn the basic of Unity stuffs, and know why people so hate the old GUI.

Teammates: Nick Alston, Kerey Roper

GGJ 2015: Bob

Forth jam with Nick! Got to know several PHP sever tricks and JSON with Unity! Man Nick, thanks for keeping up with all of my ridiculous questions.

Position: Programming Assistant


Teammates: Nick Alston



Hack 1, Feb 2014: Seattle Live Bus

A web app integrating the One-bus away API to tell positions of buses around the Seattle areas.

Due to some change with the server, the data is now barely accurate...

Position: Student

Watching everyone and tried to code something. Integrating between JS libraries was new to me... Came with a friend (Jordan Ta)!

Fun hack organized by Seattle Google!

Teammates: Dominik Moritz, Adrian Limon, Orion Ifland, Alex Miranda and Jordan Ta

Hack 2, May 2014: Nibble!

A nutritous app whose algorithm recommend user a dish of the day.

Best Hack of the year, organized by AngelHack! Got to meet with great and stunningly awesome teammates

Position: JSON API tester and integrator

Requested food image data from Google, Bing and Flickr through OAuth.

Sadly, the product did not went through the judges

Teammates: Alan Meekins the Bot Blacksmith, Stacia Hartleben the Link Healer, Ross Snider the Algorithm Warrior and Robert Greene the UX Wizard

Hack 3, August 2014: Punctuality || Betcha!

A betting app utilizing youbetme API for micro-social betting. Not many coders were there, only enthusiastic entrepreneurs and some designers.

Got into Wale's team, he suggested the idea of a betting to arrive at a destination on-time.

Position: UX front-end designer

Made a mock-up app using popapp.

The event was fun! Got to know more hacker and the code school location!

Teammates: Bennett Lin, Wale Ogundipe, Jonah Kirangi and Kevin Xue

Puntuality || BetCha!

Hack 4, February 2015: Bye Bike Thief

Bike Thief prevention solutions! A cool hack for a nice month! Got to know a lot of cool people!

Position: Design Helper, Run Boy

Somewhat helped Ori with the presentation and troubleshooting. Worked with the Intel Edison and tried to make it work... But it was broken (?!)

It was one of those cool hack where an old wise man came to aid and became the greatest supporter!

Teammates: Ori Hadary, Seaton Gras

Hack 5, March 2015: CopyTrade

Copy the Best Trader!

Position: Designer

Got to meet and worked with a big guy and a smaller guy! Free comedy show right there!

Teammates: Amit Deo, Dilip Puluru

Hack 6, May 2015: TravelTag

A travel logging app for frequent traveler, with map-my-journey technology and a quick-tag-logging scheme.

Stumbled upon Garrett who proposed a very cool story about the hustle of travelers when they wanted to capture their moments. Teamed up with Bogdan, a pretty cool Ruby on Rail guy and two other partial-devs.

Position: Designer, Strategist

We've got a mock-up web-app with full user-flow!

The event was pretty cool! We won the top-spot overall of the hack! Also, gotta investigate the two hackers who made encryption program! They're pretty cool!

Teammates: Garret, Bogdan, 2 other guy.


Hack 7, June 2015: Next 911

Predict the next 911 call based on location and time! Open data from Data.Seattle, trained with Microsoft's Azure ML cloud!

Position: Data Analytic, Feature Design

The returned result was pretty interesting...

Teammates: Ori Hadary, Seaton Gras

Hack 8, June 2015: Appointly


Position: Lead Developer

Go with swaggs

Teammates: Jim, Aryan, Bogdan, Bryan, Billhainh

Thanks for Reading!